'O God, carry us in the ships of Thy deliverance, give us to enjoy the pleasure of whispered prayer to Thee, make us drink at the pools of Thy love, let us taste the sweetness of Thy affection and nearness, allow us to struggle in Thee, preoccupy us with obeying Thee, and purify our intentions in devoting works to Thee, for we exist through Thee and belong to Thee, and we have no one to mediate with Thee but Thee!' Imam Sajjad ('A); Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya

Friday 15 January 2010

Prophets [s] conversation with Fatima [a] regarding the lovers of Hussein [a]

Chief Scholar, Ibn Qulawayh al-Qummi, Kaamil al-Ziyarat

Abu Abdillah (Imam al-Sadiq [a]) said:
Fatima [a] was carrying Hussein [a] one day when the messenger of Allah [s] took him from her.
He said to Hussein [a], 'Allah's curse be upon those who will kill you. Allah's curse be upon those who will loot you. May Allah destroy those who will help one another against you. MayAllah judge between me and those who will support others against you.'
Fatima [a] asked, 'O Father! What are you saying?!'
The Prophet [s] replied:
O My Daughter! I remembered the tragedies that will befall him after me and you, and how he will be hurt, oppressed, betrayed and violated. When this happens, he will be accompanied by a group of people who are like stars of the sky, and they will be led towards death.'
The Prophet [s] continued:
'It is as if I can see their camp, the place where they will dismount from their sumpters, and their dust.' (referring to Karbala)
Fatima [a] asked, 'O Father! Where is this place you are describing?'

The Prophet [s] replied:
'It is a land called Karbala. It is a land of KARB (agony) and BALAA (affliction) for us and for the nation. The most wicked ones of my nation will rise against them (Hussein [a] and his companions). Even if all of the inhabitants of the heavens and the earths intercede for one of those who rise against Hussein [a], their intercession will not be accepted, and they will abide in hell eternally.'
Fatima [a] asked, 'O Father! So he (Hussein [a]) will be killed?'

The Prophet replied:
'Yes O My Daughter! No one has ever been killed or will be killed other than Hussein [a] on whom the heavens, the earths, the mountains, the angels, the beasts and the whales in the oceans will cry. And if these created beings had been given permission to destroy everything to avenge Hussein [a], no living object would have survived after the killing of Hussein [a].
Verily a group of people who love us will go to him (his Ziyarah). Verily no one on earth knows Allah better than they do and no one is more committed to our rights than they are.
Verily no one on earth other than them will pay attention to Hussein [a].
Verily they are the lights in the darkness of oppression.
They are the intercessors and they are those who will join me by my pool tomorrow on the day of Judgment.

I will recognize them by their marks when I see them (on the day of Judgment).
On that day, the followers of every religion will look for their leaders and they (those who go to the Ziyarah of Hussein [a]) will look for no one other than us.
They are the pillars of the earth, and the rains shower down through them.'

This is an excerpt from a longer hadith. For more information, refer to Tafseer Furaat Ibn Ibrahim Al-Kufi.

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